Dedash Admin
HTML Template
Dedash UI dashboard HTML responsive template build with Bootstrap 4 and creativity. View HTML Demo Buy Now

Dedash admin dashboard HTML template by maxartkiller, HTML template, bootstrap theme, bootstrap template, bootstrap admin template, Boostrap dashboard UX UI


Dedash admin dashboard template has customizable, flexible, creative and unique wide range of component designed with HTML by which you can create unlimited layouts as per your business needs.

Each components are design and kept with best match theme colors. We have unlimited possibility of colors as we defined it with SASS and template comes with 65+ pre-defined CSS.

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Application Demos

Dedash Admin Dashboard HTML template has unlimited possibility to create layouts and designing screens. Here some of business domain styles are set for and quick starter project created for you.


Increase adaptability with component liquidity

Dedash Admin Dashboard HTML template Developer Dashboard comes with liquid component and arrange automatically with container size. You can define your container as per your need to pickup your component, it will flow smoother with the device.

Unlimited customization and predefined CSS stylesheet

We have provided style customize to select your desired color and patterns. Select fill element like header, sidebar and component and select your color. Along with all these we have 65+ pre-defined set of style-sheet. So pick your color and assign it to your project.


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