AdminUX mobile, Mobile html template an Admin UI UX Admin dashboard template, Mobile admin dashboard HTML templates. Mobile HTML Angular starter kit, Admin UX Dashboard template, bootstrap admin dashboard, bootstrap admin, bootstrap 5 dashboard template, Mobile angular dashboard template, Mobile angular admin template, angular bootstrap template, Dashboard html template. Bootstrap HTML template, Bootstrap theme. Mobile dashboard responsive HTML template
Be consistence, grow business, save time & money with our predefined UI HTML template.
Template comes with predefined and customized styling with scss & variables.
All the styles can be modified and create new style easily.
100+ Pages and counting with many different widgets & customized controls.
Best responsive HTML structure with validated code.
Template comes with unique features with third parties UI customization and flexible widgets. There are different business domain app demos included.
200+ components like user module, forms module, posts, cards, chart, summary, wizards etc. which you can stylize & expand as your needs for your business application
We have clean structure of HTML code with comments as when needed. We also validated from W3C validator for code written to create error free and unbroken code.
Template gives more multi-device flexibility to develop universal web apps with its own elastic & responsiveness by the power of base Bootstrap framework.
Each components are elastic and fluid to adopt device width with the support of bootstrap grid structure.
This enable responsiveness to project & adjust UI to wide range devices like mobiles, tablets.