Fimobile Multipurpose Mobile HTML Template

Bootstrap 4

Version 4.3.1


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Fimobile Multipurpose Mobile HTML Template, Fimobile is HTML, CSS and js templates. We have covered major HTML elements. Also customized widget elements with this.

The framework we have used are  bootstrap 4.3.1 version and Framework 7  v5. So its uses flex-box properties and gives much smooth responsive utilities. The framework itself comes with responsive adjust into major devices small to large. Bootstrap templates and Framework 7 designs also have wide range of Mobile HTML Template.

As the latest technology and framework targeted it comes with Major all latest versions of browser Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 10+, Edge and opera. We also consider devices layout will be responsive which gives new touch.

Images: Dummy/Demo images used from You can check licenses with respective website and use it.


Framework 7

core js, Version 5.1.0


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Best Financial Design

Easy to customize and update

FiMobile HTML template comes with a lot of unique design, elements with 50+ pages and different 12+ colors with light and dark layout modes demos.

Menu & Navigation

Provide more elasticity

Template comes with 3 kinds of menu Left side menu full, Footer Menu area. Which gives more space to manage primary and secondary content. FiBook Multipurpose template.

Differentiate Unique pages

Easy to customize and update

FiMobile template has ability to highlight unique few pages like success message, splash screen, loading screen, In progress window etc. These all can be with dark gradient color mode of template to easy differentiate from app.

Best Class in its own

Dark Layout Mode

Don’t forget to check out Fibook Dark mode.

Bootstrap 4.3

HTML Dark mode layout + Orange Color


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Framework 7 v5

Dark mode layout + Pink Color


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Amber, Black, Blue, Dark Green, Purple, Red, Skyblue


Mobile, Tablet


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