Admin UX PRO Dashboard is responsive HTML and Angular starter template for admin enterprise and non-enterprise application Development. We have created pure HTML and CSS template with based on Bootstrap 4 framework 4.3.1 version official release. We continuously updating template with the framework update. We always provide creative , unique and scalable template with lot of customization and flexibility to use components from Library.
We have also try to include as many as possible third party plugins for presenting how they can get incorporated and it look with our template design. We have also provided source website so you can get more information about customization and licences.
- Unique and Creative layout designs
- Built with Bootstrap v4.3.1, HTML5 and CSS3
- Uses SCSS for easy customization of template color combinations
- Clean HTML Structure, CSS Classes and Javascript markup
- Responsive HTML development, supported for desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets
- We have given free starter kit to allow quick project startup with various technology
- We also included our initial design files for Dashboard templates Adobe XD versions which we have created AdminUX PRO and used for development of HTML.
Now with awesome multiple options in customizer
Creative pages we have included are:
- Dashboard
- Production
- Networking
- App Pages
- Email 3 pages
- File Manager 3 pages
- Community Forum 3 pages
- E Commerce 7 pages
- Social Media 4 pages
- App Pages
- About us
- Contact us
- Chat
- Pricing
- Services
- Blog
- Blog Details
- Gallery
- Login
- Register
- Reset Password
- Lock
- 404
- Error
- Search result
- Coming Soon
- Forms
- Credit Card
- Donation
- Authority
- Review
- Survey
- Booking
- Layout
- Header
- Sidebar
- Content
- And Many more included…
We like to thank all third parties mentioned and for providing free images. We really love images and quality provides. We also love our customer and soon we have more with Admin UX PRO Dashboard Bootstrap 4.3.1 responsive HTML template.